Rewire your Inner Critic

Sale Price:A$1,200.00 Original Price:A$1,500.00

This session pack consists of 5 x Somatic healing sessions (1 month) to help you rewire your inner critic, process the trauma somatically, and embody a loving inner self-talk.

If you have been brought up by overly critical parents, been bullied, or experienced a lot of criticism as a child, you may have internalized this critical voice as your own.

This may manifest in a variety of self-sabotaging behaviours that only make you feel defeated, and ashamed and reinforce the internal narrative of ‘not enough’. Through our compassionate somatic exploration, we’ll gently uncover these patterns and rewire them to help you feel good about yourself and thrive in life.

We’ll explore your goals and needs during an introductory call and design a personalized plan to transform your Inner Critic into your Inner Cheerleader.

Location: These sessions will take place via a virtual Zoom meeting. You will receive a meeting invitation, including the Zoom link to login to the online session. All sessions are secure and confidential.

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This session pack consists of 5 x Somatic healing sessions (1 month) to help you rewire your inner critic, process the trauma somatically, and embody a loving inner self-talk.

If you have been brought up by overly critical parents, been bullied, or experienced a lot of criticism as a child, you may have internalized this critical voice as your own.

This may manifest in a variety of self-sabotaging behaviours that only make you feel defeated, and ashamed and reinforce the internal narrative of ‘not enough’. Through our compassionate somatic exploration, we’ll gently uncover these patterns and rewire them to help you feel good about yourself and thrive in life.

We’ll explore your goals and needs during an introductory call and design a personalized plan to transform your Inner Critic into your Inner Cheerleader.

Location: These sessions will take place via a virtual Zoom meeting. You will receive a meeting invitation, including the Zoom link to login to the online session. All sessions are secure and confidential.

This session pack consists of 5 x Somatic healing sessions (1 month) to help you rewire your inner critic, process the trauma somatically, and embody a loving inner self-talk.

If you have been brought up by overly critical parents, been bullied, or experienced a lot of criticism as a child, you may have internalized this critical voice as your own.

This may manifest in a variety of self-sabotaging behaviours that only make you feel defeated, and ashamed and reinforce the internal narrative of ‘not enough’. Through our compassionate somatic exploration, we’ll gently uncover these patterns and rewire them to help you feel good about yourself and thrive in life.

We’ll explore your goals and needs during an introductory call and design a personalized plan to transform your Inner Critic into your Inner Cheerleader.

Location: These sessions will take place via a virtual Zoom meeting. You will receive a meeting invitation, including the Zoom link to login to the online session. All sessions are secure and confidential.

What’s included in the Healing the Inner Critic pack:

Signs of an Inner Critic:

  • Negative Self-Talk: A constant barrage of harsh judgments, put-downs, and criticisms aimed at yourself.

  • Perfectionism: Unrealistic standards for yourself and others, leading to anxiety and disappointment.

  • Imposter Syndrome: Feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt despite evidence of your competence.

  • Fear of Failure: Avoiding new challenges or opportunities due to the dread of making mistakes.

  • Comparison Trap: Constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inferior.

  • Discrediting Achievements: Downplaying your successes or attributing them to luck rather than skill.

  • Overly Critical of Others: Projecting your inner critic's voice onto others, leading to strained relationships.

  • Difficulty Accepting Compliments: Brushing off praise or finding reasons why you don't deserve it.

  • Procrastination: Delaying tasks or goals due to fear of criticism or failure.

  • Self-Sabotage: Unconsciously creating situations that reinforce your inner critic's negative beliefs.

How Inner Critic Trauma Occurs:

  • Childhood Experiences: Harsh criticism, emotional neglect, or abuse from caregivers can lead to the development of a critical inner voice.

  • Bullying: Being bullied in school or other social settings can leave lasting scars of self-doubt and shame.

  • Perfectionistic Parenting: Parents who set unrealistic expectations or are overly critical can contribute to an inner critic.

  • Cultural Messages: Societal pressures around beauty standards, success, or competition can fuel inner criticism.

Remember: These are just some common signs and origins. The development of an inner critic is a complex process with unique experiences for each person.

In our discovery call we’ll develop a personalized plan with specific goals and needs relevant to you to maximise your healing journey.

Step into your Most empowered Self, reclaim your Voice and Enough-ness.