Coaching Terms

Heal your Heart - Reconnect to your Body - Nourish your Soul


The journey towards our Authentic Self is one of the

greatest adventures we’ll make in our lifetime.

- Monika Grace

Terms of Somatic Coaching & Trauma Healing


The foundation

I am very excited about working together with you in a coaching relationship. These terms set out the agreement between me - Monika Grace Coaching and you, for the coaching services (‘the services’) I am going to provide. Please read them carefully and let me know if you have any questions.

The format

The format of the services provided and the fee payable will be as set out in the service description for the product you select from my website or as agreed together via a call or email.

The fee

The fee for the services is non-refundable and is to be paid in full on registering for events or coaching and before the first session for coaching programmes, to secure your place or in instalments if agreed prior to the sessions. On payment, you are agreeing to these terms, as shared on the invoice.

Review, Feedback & Continuation

Upon completion of the agreed sessions, we will review and agree on new terms to continue or terminate the coaching relationship.

The Service

The services to be provided by Monika Grace are coaching in a variety of forms depending on your location. For example, via Watsup, Zoom call, or in-person as designed for the individual event or programme. The Life & Relationship Coaching that I offer — which is not advice, therapy or counselling — may involve all areas of your life, including mental, emotional, spiritual or physical health and wellbeing, relationships, work, finances, education and recreation. You acknowledge that deciding how to handle these issues and implement your choices is exclusively your responsibility. For this reason, coaching cannot guarantee any specific outcomes. Coaching does not treat mental disorders and is not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment. By entering into this agreement you confirm that you will not use it in place of any form of therapy. 

If you currently are in therapy or otherwise under the care of a mental health professional by entering into this agreement you confirm that you have consulted with this person regarding the advisability of working with a coach and that this person is aware of your decision to proceed with the coaching relationship. You understand that feelings are a normal and healthy part of being human and that through a coaching relationship, awareness and curiosity will be brought to your feelings so that you can make more informed choices and move into your desired action. You understand that coaching does not deal with the psychological antecedent to emotions, which is the realm of therapy.

Throughout our working relationship, we will engage in very direct and personal conversations. You can count on me to be honest and straightforward, ask clarifying questions and make empowering requests.

The purpose of our interaction is to hold your focus on YOUR desired outcome and to coach you to stay clear, focused as well as take the appropriate action to see your vision realized. You understand that the power of the coaching relationship can only be granted by you — and you agree to do just that. When you see the coaching is not working as desired, you agree to communicate with me and take action to return the power to the coaching relationship.

The contract

My contract with you will start once you have completed our registration form and we accept your order. At that stage, these terms will become binding on you and me. If I cannot provide you with the services I shall let you know and you will be given a refund of any advance payment you have made.

Your right to make changes

If you wish to make any changes to the services you have ordered, please contact me. I shall let you know if the change is possible. If it is possible, I shall let you know about any changes to the fee for the services, the timing of our sessions or any other issues which would follow on from your request and you can let me know if you would like to go ahead with the change. 
All sessions must be taken within the time stated for the programme and if for any reason an extension is needed and agreed, it cannot go past 3 months after the original programme end date.

In-Person Events

If you are to attend any in-person events or sessions, as a part of your programme with me, travel and accommodation are not included and are your responsibility to arrange and pay for.

Intellectual property

If I provide you with any materials during the services, whether digital or printed, any intellectual property in those materials belongs to me and unless we agree otherwise you can only use those materials for your own personal use and you may not share them with third parties.

How I may use your personal information

I shall use the personal information you give to me to: provide the services; process your payment for the services; and inform you about any similar products and services that I provide, though you may stop receiving this information at any time by contacting me. Monika Grace Ltd promises that all information shared by you will be kept strictly confidential, except when releasing such information is required by law. I do reserve the right to seek second opinions from other certified coaches or professionals if I deem it necessary and to record our conversations for my training purposes and records. I shall not give your personal information to any third party.

If there is a problem with the services

In the unlikely event that there is any problem with the services, please contact me as soon as possible and please give me a reasonable opportunity to sort out any problem with you. As a consumer you have legal rights in relation to services not carried out with reasonable skill and care and nothing in these terms will affect those legal rights.

Events outside my control

If an event happens which is outside of my reasonable control, I shall not be liable or responsible for any failure to provide services or any delay in providing services caused by that event. If an event like this takes place I shall contact you to let you know as soon as reasonably possible. The timetable agreed for the services will be extended for the duration of an event like this. If the event continues for more than 3 months you will be able to cancel the contract and I shall refund to you any fees you have paid in advance for services that have not been provided.

My liability

If I do not provide the services to you in accordance with these terms and with reasonable skill and care I am only responsible for any losses you might suffer which are a foreseeable result of my breaking these terms. In other words, I am only responsible for any loss where it is obvious that it would happen. I am not responsible to you for any loss of profits, loss of business, loss of management time, for your transformation or loss of business opportunity. My total liability is limited to the amount of the fees paid by you for the services.

Other points
If you need to contact me about the services, you can email me at:

These terms are governed by English law and we agree that any disputes will be dealt with by an English Court.

By placing the order you agree to keep your agreements, to regard our appointment time frames with respect and to keep me informed as to what is needed to keep you moving forward and you confirm your full understanding and agreement with the information outlined above.

Let’s talk to see how I can help you


Are you ready to experience a life-changing transformation, step into your power and thrive? Let’s jump on a call together to explore how I can best help you in your healing journey.

This is where we get clear about your needs and goals and explore if we are a good fit to work together. I believe that finding a great somatic coach and a compassionate therapist is only 50% of the work. It’s equally important for you to commit to your inner work, your goals and your vision to create the kind of life you deserve. I will be honoured to help you get there and hold your hand with loving kindness every step of the way. Let’s create a power team together to unleash your greatest potential.

As a highly emphatic person, I am warm, friendly, compassionate, deeply caring and intuitive but I am equally happy to lovingly challenge you as we explore your growth edges and embody your desired results. I work in a co-creative fashion where your needs, goals, feedback and desires will be the driving force behind every session.

Love, Monxx

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