Our Services

Taking the courageous step to engage with a somatic psychotherapist is a pivotal moment in your quest for enhanced mental health and overall well-being. If you find yourself grappling with mental or emotional challenges such as anxiety, feeling stuck, experiencing flashbacks, nightmares, trauma, stress, or any other obstacles, know that you're not alone on this journey.

Liberate Yourself from the Past, Embrace the Present

I am here to guide you on the path of liberation, helping you break free from the weight of the past so you can fully embrace the present and step confidently into your future. My therapeutic approach is grounded in warmth, compassion, and collaboration. You can expect a space that is free from judgment, where your unique journey is honored. Together, we will navigate your experiences with an evidence-based methodology that ensures your progress is supported by the latest therapeutic insights.

You deserve to thrive and it’s our passion to help you get there

My approach

Neuroscience + Somatics + Trauma Recovery

I am trained in cutting-edge, evidence-based trauma healing methods, including EMDR, Attachment EMDR, IFS, Somatic Experiencing, Somatic Trauma Healing, Somatic Mindfulness, PSYCH-K, Neuroscience of Anxiety healing, Neurobiology of Nervous system, Transformational Life coaching and more…

Challenges I can help with

Let me hold your hand as you heal

Come out of Chronic Trauma survival states (fight, flight, freeze, fawn, collapse), Anxiety, Depression, Chronic Stress PTSD/ C-PTSD, Developmental Childhood Trauma, Narcissistic Abuse, Physical or Sexual Abuse, People-pleasing, Self-esteem, Worthiness, Self-belief and confidence, Accident or Natural disaster Recovery, anxiety-fueled Insomnia and Nightmares

Master Embodied Manifesting

Intentionally create the life of your dreams

Manifesting for Trauma survivors is very different! They first need to learn how to embody safety, come out of survival states, and actively rewire their Neurobiology to effortlessly receive their desires. Using powerful evidence-based practices to help you become magnetic and live abundantly.

Benefits of Integrative Somatic Psychotherapy

1. Increased Self-Awareness

Somatic Psychotherapy + Psychoeducation can help you gain insight into your thoughts, and feelings, and understand the root cause of your behaviours as well as coping strategies or addictions, which can lead to greater self-awareness, deep healing, and personal growth.

2. Thriving after Trauma - Integrative Somatic Therapy

As a Somatic Psychotherapist, specializing in Trauma recovery, I help you process traumatic stress, reconsolidate traumatic memories, and heal emotional flashbacks or nightmares for you to thrive after trauma. Using highly regarded evidence-based methods such as Somatic Experiencing, EMDR, Attachment EMDR, Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS), Polyvagal Theory, and others, you’ll experience liberation from the past to fully anchor and thrive in the present.

3. Improved Mental Health

Seeing a Somatic psychotherapist can help you understand the root cause of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. I teach you how to regulate your nervous system to manage triggers, heal flashbacks or nightmares, and bring yourself back to peace and harmony.

4. Improved Relationships

I help you reconnect with your body, embody healthy self-love, and release any unwanted relational patterns (people pleasing, codependency, anxious attachment, and others). You’ll learn how to set healthy boundaries, express your needs, and even co-regulate with your partner to create a harmonious union where you feel truly seen, heard, understood and appreciated.

Become a Masterful Self-healer

Become a Masterful Self-healer

Having worked through my own Complex Trauma over the past 10 years, I deeply understand the pain, struggles, and challenges one faces during the trauma-healing journey and how lonely, painful, and scary this can be. It is my passion to help you feel held, heard, seen, and deeply understood, lovingly guiding you to reconnect to your inner resources and transform your trauma into freedom and peace.

I was there too! It used to be challenging for me to trust others and receive the support I needed because I felt that ‘nobody will care enough to truly see me and help me’. But as I began healing and opening up, I realized how my own programming held me trapped and away from the support I wanted.

So with me, you will never be ‘just another client’. Together, we begin the journey of profound self-discovery, deep transformation, and gentle expansion into the woman you desire to be. As you begin to sense your resourcefulness and learn to regulate your nervous system, we move on to completing any unprocessed trauma responses, to experience a liberation from what holds you back. You’ll come out of survival, learn to feel safe in your body, and learn to trust your own instincts, self-guiding your healing journey toward freedom and nourishing fulfillment.