Hi, I am Monika,


Trauma-sensitive Somatic Psychotherapist and a Body-Mind-Soul Coach, EMDR/ PSYCH-K/ SE/ Polyvagal

My passion for personal mastery first lead to study Spiritual Alchemy and Bio-energetics. This later expanded into certifications in NLP Life coaching, Hypnotherapy and finaly Somatic Psychotherapy, and Complex Developmental Trauma Healing. I’m passionate about helping women reconnect with themselves, step into their fullest potential, and liberate themselves from the limitations that hold them back.

My childhood was my first container for spiritual growth. After years of abuse from the challenging environment I grew up in, I felt numb, disconnected and deeply unfulfilled in my adult life. For years I was pendulating between high anxiety, hypervigilance and depression, with added chronic self-doubt and a sense of powerlesness, not realizing how my early life impacted my identity and survival style. My unprocessed early trauma often left me feeling frozen in terror and collapse, struggling to sleep and live the life I wanted to live. Like many people out there, I didn’t realize that what I was experiencing was actually a Complex post traumatic stress C-PTSD that accumulated in my body and started calling for attention.

As I began turning towards healing, I started accessing what I longed for my entire life: - profound levels of self-awareness, a sense of belonging and my own resourcefulness that I didn’t even know I had. My commitment to my healing was the greatest investment I ever made. This soul-enriching journey not only helped me heal my complex trauma but also find true love and purpose.

I now use the wealth of wisdom, personal experience, and powerful evidence-based somatic trauma healing methods to help others reclaim their authentic essence, heal relational patterns, and create space for authentic love and connection. It’s never too late to begin the life-changing journey home to self.

One of my love languages is words of affirmation; - I love to encourage and empower others to believe in themselves, find their voice and express their ‘magic’. My clients say that I can see into their soul and was able to lovingly activate many to connect to their own gifts and soul-nourishing passions. I also love to cook and nourish people, it brings me so much joy! I adore nature and have found great solace in the soothing arms of Queensland in Australia where I live with my soul family, surrounded by kangaroos and breathtaking beaches.


“The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth that they can accept about themselves without running away.”

- Anonymous

My Professional Qualifications


  • Member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)

  • Completed Clinical Applications of EMDR in the treatment of Attachment Trauma - Dr. Parnell Institute

  • Completed Trauma Treatment with EMDR, CBT, Somatic based Interventions and Neuroscience - Dr. Jennifer Sweeton, PSY, D, MS, MA

  • Completed Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Trauma Treatment - Dr. Stephen Porges and Deb Dana, LCSW

  • Completed Somatic Experiencing - Dr. Peter Levine

  • Completed Somatic Attachment Therapy Certificate - The Embody Lab

  • Completed Certificate of Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy - The Embody Lab

  • Completed Inner Child Healing Certification - Embodiment School

  • Completed NLP Life Coaching Certification - Neuro Linguistic Programming Institute Auspissium

  • Completed Master Practitioner Subconscious Reprogramming and Sabotage Rewiring Training - PSYCH-K™

  • Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional (CCATP) Training - Applied Neuroscience for Treating Anxiety, Panic, and Worry - Catherine M. Pittman, Ph.D., HSPP

  • Narcissistic Abuse Recovery, Healing from Narcissistic and Antagonistic Relationships - Dr. Ramani Durvasula

  • NeuroAffective Touch® for C-PTSD/ Developmental Trauma Healing - Dr Aline LaPierre

  • Internal Family Systems for Trauma, Anxiety and Grief - IFS Institute

  • Complex Trauma Certification Training (CCTP/CCTP-II): Dr. Janina Fisher, PHD

  • Currently studying The Counselling Psychology - APIC Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors


Examples of ongoing learning and development include:

  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Body Oriented Therapy Techniques for Trauma and Attachment - Pat Ogden, Ph.D.

  • Wisdom of Trauma - Dr. Gabor Mate

  • Somatic Mindfulness

  • Recognizing & Resolving Traumatic Stress - Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

  • Treating Attachment Trauma with Inner relationship-focused methods

  • Creative Arts Therapy

  • Mindfulness-based Therapies

  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • Dialectical Behavioural Therapy (DBT) techniques

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

  • Navigating Conscious Relationships - The Gotman Institute

  • Imago Conscious Relationship Therapy - Dr. Harville Hendrix and Dr. Helen LaKelly Hunt …

    just to name a few… and I continuously pick up new tools and latest neuroscientific practices to strengthen my professional skills.

Certified by Professional Institutions

All of you is welcome here…

  • I’ve worked in the trauma healing and recovery field for nearly a decade and having been through this journey myself I am able to compassionately relate to my client’s experiences. I supported my clients in healing from developmental trauma PTSD/ C-PTSD, shock trauma, attachment raptures, narcissistic trauma, abuse and neglect.

  • I helped many clients heal their abandonment, rejection and low self-worth wounds, increase their self-esteem and embody healthy confidence. I am passionate about using evidence-based somatic practices to help my clients heal anxiety, panic attacks, people-pleasing and a variety of other mental health challenges. Embodied Self-love is so much more than just self-care. It nourishes us from within and fills the empty places that once hurt so much.

  • Learning to resource ourselves and regulate our nervous system is like learning a whole new language that speaks directly to our body. This allows us to experience greater levels of peace, freedom and harmony with self, others and life. Such gifts are genuinely priceless…

  • My somatic work is sprinkled with soul-nourishing mindful practices to help my clients feel held, seen, heard, and accepted unconditionally without judgment.

  • I am deeply grateful for every connection I've made with the beautiful souls I’ve met along my journey.

  • Because of my personal experience, I deeply understand the Spiritual Awakening (Twin Flame ascension journey), the dark nights of the soul and the healing required to rebuild back up to authentically thriving.

  • Our workshops and retreats held in nature help us deepen our healing and connection to Mama Gaia. When we allow ourselves to step into the magic of the unknown, on the edge of our comfort zone, we give ourselves permission to ask for more. That is the zone of limitless possibilities!

  • Most people awaken through painful catalysts, and releasing those old layers of trauma gives us a chance to live again; this time on our terms, leaving survival behind and stepping into the soul-aligned blissful love and life we came here to experience.

If you keep swallowing poison, it’s impossible to heal and thrive… The poison can be your unhealed trauma, toxic relationships, or self-abandoning patterns. More often than not, our childhood was the very first poison we now need to detox from to feel free, empowered, and truly alive (not just living). Give yourself permission to go all in, face your darkest pain and rise again… Your worthiness and inner resourcefulness is infinite…

- Monika Grace

Some things about me 


I’m a down to earth, sensitive, warm, and compassionate human who supports women in rediscovering their truest nature, healing and integrating wounded parts to ultimately reclaim their Divine selves.

I love combining applied neuroscience with somatic psychology and spirituality, which creates the perfect blend for my clients to experience real felt results. We take time, we don’t rush. I am here to be fully present with you.

I have spent over a decade healing my own developmental trauma, including attachment raptures, shock trauma, medical trauma, narcissistic and physical abuse. I understand...

I will never judge you and I will always seek to understand, validate, and lovingly hold you as you reconnect to your innate body’s wisdom to understand what is true for you.

In our sessions, we welcome what is here and now, real and honest, without masks or pretense. We let loose, we get honest and authentic. We open up, we cry, we sit in silence, we move… we heal… I am here with you, you are not doing this alone…

I invite curiosity, and exploration with gentle opening, without overwhelm or re-traumatization. You’ll pick up life-changing regulation and transformation tools from me to keep for a lifetime.

I’m deeply intuitive, emphatic and attuned to my clients needs. But I am not the expert on your life, nor your body and will never make you feel like ‘I know it all…”

I welcome all emotions to the table, so we heal what is coming up to be felt.

All parts of you make sense; - your pain, your coping patterns, your habits, your challenges… I listen with an open heart so you feel heard, seen, and deeply understood. I will guide you to arrive at your own answers, to feel empowered and begin to trust yourself even more.

I see your Divine essence, your greatness, and your gifts, and I will gently reflect them back to you until you can embody them yourself.

I’m here to lovingly encourage you to step into your power and become the woman you always wanted to be. I utilize trauma-informed practices centered around safety, and mindful empowerment.

Curiosity and presence are a big part of my process. I relate as a human to human, encouraging collaboration and working together.


Life after trauma gets to be exciting…


Before my awakening, I was stuck in survival, running on the treadmill of the corporate rat race, feeling exhausted, unfulfilled, and confused about my future. My awakening has catapulted me into steep growth, and my commitment to my profound inner transformation really paid off, allowing me to now live the life I always dreamed of. I am not saying this to brag but merely to inspire you as to what’s possible when you invest in your growth and inner transformation. My home, now, in sunny Australia is where I live with my soul family. And for the first time in my life, I feel fulfilled, at peace, free and energized by life.

The bi-product of healing trauma and reconnecting to our body is the ease of manifestation. Life truly becomes magical when we release the inner blocks and limitations that hold us back and open to the life we are meant for. We didn’t come here to struggle. It is my passion to help you heal, unlock your greatness, and realize your fullest potential.

Running from our triggers and trauma only makes them scream louder. When we get curious about our survival patterns, unconscious programming, and perceptive limitations, we get the precious opportunity to transcend victimhood and reconnect to what makes us feel most alive. I call this entering the Heaven on Earth… This is when manifesting our dream life becomes as effortless as ordering a package from Amazon… I am so grateful for my healing, as it gave me a chance to truly live and manifest my dream life… It’s my mission to help you get there too to savour the sweetness of being alive, thriving and living abundantly!

- Monika Grace