Your Somatic Healing Session


Embark on a Journey to Wholeness: Book Your Somatic Session Today

Welcome to a space where healing unfolds through the wisdom of your body. If you're ready to reconnect with your innate resilience, release stored tensions, and pave the way for profound transformation, your personalized somatic therapy session awaits.


What is Somatic Therapy?

Somatic therapy is a holistic approach that recognizes the integral connection between mind and body. In our sessions, we focus on the language of your body, unlocking the door to profound self-discovery and healing. By attuning to sensations, emotions, and movement, we unravel the stories held within, fostering a deep sense of well-being.

What to Expect:

  • Tailored Guidance: Each session is uniquely crafted to meet you where you are on your journey, providing a safe space for exploration and healing. I will guide you on how to prepare for your session to maximize your time together.

  • Embodied Processing & Integration: I can help you work through anything that you are ready to witness and gently release to experience liberation safely and gently. For this session, I would recommend avoiding any big T-traumas (abuse, natural disaster, a violent crime, or a serious car accident, loss) and instead pick something lighter to work through. As we build resources and confidence we’ll move towards bigger traumas at your own pace and time.

  • Mind-Body Harmony: Discover the powerful interplay between your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. Learn to cultivate harmony within yourself.

  • Release and Restore: Our sessions are designed to release stored tension, trauma, and stress, promoting a state of deep relaxation and restoration.

  • Empowerment: Gain tools and practices to continue your somatic journey outside of sessions, empowering you to navigate life with greater resilience and authenticity.

  • Some examples of what we could cover in this session:

    • Rewire a limiting belief somatically

    • Explore Grounding skills to help soothe anxiety, work through triggers or panic attacks

    • Work through a specific block, tension or stressful situation to create somatic alignment, build confidence and direction

    • Bring awareness to a specific point of stuckness in your life and how to move through it

    • Work through a manifesting block around love, money, health, or else

    • Explore Imposter Syndrome | People-pleasing | Self-sabotage | Somatic boundaries

    • Explore a specific core wound and core beliefs around ‘Not feeling enough, Not worthy, Not deserving and others’

    • Explore attachment patterns in romantic context and a path towards healing


Each session is a step towards a more integrated and vibrant you. I look forward to supporting you on this transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.

Book your Somatic Session here

Experience the power of Integrative Somatic therapy to unlock your body’s innate wisdom, process mental, emotional of physical blocks, and reconnect with peace and harmony within.

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Somatic Trauma Healing Session
Sale Price:A$150.00 Original Price:A$180.00

- Stephanie, Brisbane, Australia

“I struggled with people-pleasing, boundaries, and putting myself last my whole life. I was unhappy in my marriage for years, trying to ‘fix him’ instead of choosing me. When I found Monika, she helped me understand how my childhood trauma recreated the toxic relationship dynamic, and why it was so hard for me to leave. She has built a custom healing plan to work through the layers of my trauma. After 2 months of working with Monika, my confidence and self-love went through the roof. I finally applied for a divorce and she held me through it every step of the way. She was a Godsend in my journey and I cannot thank her enough. My daughter and I are now living in a beautiful place, finally free and at peace. I am truly grateful to have found Monika. She helped me choose myself, and learn to set healthy boundaries with others, so I can be a better role model for my daughter. Monika is deeply caring and a very skilled somatic therapist. I highly recommend her work to anyone going through heartbreak, wanting to leave a toxic relationship, or healing trauma. She is amazing!”

Let’s explore if we are a good fit to work together

This session is designed to offer an experience of what it is like to work with me before making any other longer-term trauma healing or therapy commitments.