The Soma Code™

Join the Masterful

Self Healers Circle Waitlist

Is trauma ruining your life?

Are you stuck and don’t know where to begin?

We’ve been there too, and we are here to help!

If you’re willing to commit to your inner work,

you’re in the right place.


What is a Masterful Self-Healers Circle?

Deeply Transformative program that includes bottom-up and top-down advanced Neuroscientific strategies for transformation: 6-month guided program to teach you how to heal your nervous system, process and integrate trauma, and rise to personal power, emotional freedom and confidence

Professional Guidance: You’ll learn from a certified Somatic Therapist with nearly a decade of experience helping people heal from trauma, and learn how to work with their nervous system to cultivate resiliency, safety, and inner peace

Receive Cutting-edge, evidence-based Somatic Tools for Transformation: Exclusive step-by-step Somatic healing content with practical tools to guide you in restoring the body-mind-soul connection.

Trauma Tools for Liberation: Journalling prompts, guided meditations, and step-by-step exercises teaching you how to come out of survival, rewire anxiety, release stress, heal emotional triggers, nightmares, and anxiety-fueled insomnia.

Release the Painful Past - anchor in the Safe Present: Learn how to release tension, trapped emotions, and trauma held in the body to feel free from the painful past.

Become an Expert on Healing yourself: Learn some of the most sought-after Trauma skills in the world to heal yourself, including Somatic Experiencing, Attachment skills, Attachment EMDR, Inner child work, Internal Family Systems, Shadow work, Developmental trauma healing, Somatic Touch and others…

‘I belong’ Self-healers Community: Connect with a community of like-minded souls on a similar journey. Draw strength from shared experiences and celebrate victories together.

“Your story is not defined by the pain you've endured; it's shaped by the resilience you cultivate. Join the Masterful Self-Healing Program and turn your wounds into wisdom, your pain into power, and your journey into a masterpiece.”

— Monika Grace